Texas Senate – held a hearing on energy companies performance during Beryl and, in particular, Centerpoint. Senator Bettencourt took a lead role. As you know Bettencourt doesn’t put up with much.
Austin Capitol Tours Update: The tour(s) of the Capitol has been delayed until at least November and perhaps even until January of 2025, due to the unusual number of elections in the spring, injuries to key people, and now the refurbishment of the Texas Senate and House until the end of October. However, it is a not-be-missed event as Representative Mike Schofield will provide an unforgettable lesson in history about the Capitol in Austin.
VDVR (Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar) training is just one hour via zoom on the Harris county tax assessor collector website. Look on https://www.hctax.net/Voter/Deputy for the information on VDVR training.
GOTV (Get Out The Vote): We have been making a list of opportunities to GOTV – keep an eye on your emails for these direct action roles.
Harris County Commissioners Court: The next session is at 10 am on Thursday, September 19, 2024 at the Harris County Administration Building at 1001 Preston, First Floor, on the north side of downtown Houston.
Please join Alexie Swirsky there to support our only Republican Harris County Commissioner, Tom Ramsey. Parking is available across the street for $15.
If you would like to speak on an agenda item (see https://agenda.harriscountytx.gov/), sign up online the night before and be at the court by 9:30 am).