The Harris County Commissioners Court hearing is at 10 am on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at the Harris County Administration Building at 1001 Preston, First Floor, on the north side of downtown Houston. Please join Alexie Swirsky there to support our only Republican Harris County Commissioner, Tom Ramsey.  Parking is available across the street for $15.

If you would like to speak on an agenda item (see, sign up online the night before and be at the court by 9:30 am)

Harris County Commissioners Court June 25, 2024 – Items of Concern 

Ítem 18
Request for discussion and possible action regarding Harris County jail population, staffing, conditions, and other issues.

Item 210
Request by the Commissioner of Precinct 2 for approval to accept from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality grant funds in the amount of $2,136,382.00, with no required match, for the Texas Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Program (Tx VEMP) – Bus.

Item 211
Request by the Commissioner of Precinct 2 for approval to accept from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality grant funds in the amount of $1,717,115.00, with no required match, for the Texas Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Program (Tx VEMP) – Freight.

Item 253
Request for approval of a Public Health or Safety Exemption renewal option with CoreCivic, Inc. for outsourcing of Harris County Jail inmates to the Tallahatchie Correctional Facility for the period of December 1, 2024 – November 30, 2025, at a cost of $11,358,750.

Item 256
Request that the County Judge execute a settlement agreement with DEMA
Consulting & Management Texas LLC in the amount of $860,354.90 for Holistic Assistance Response Team services provided from June 6, 2023 to April 9, 2024. This program treats some Law enforcement incidents as mental Health issues.

Item 322
Request for approval to renew the Memorandum of Understanding with the Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) to enable Harris County Commissioner Precinct 1 to certify funds which will be matched by federal match funds in partnership with the Texas Workforce Commission through the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) for the provision of allowable childcare services or activities in the Gulf Coast Workforce Board area.

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