Texas Tea Party Republican Women
Our History
Founded at God’s Direction!
Texas Tea Party Republican Women (TTPRW) was conceived by Susan Darbyshire after her attendance at a 1993 Cherry Tree Republicans meeting. “The Lord gave me the name,” said Susan. “It was His Club… but Elvie (Kingston) kicked me into gear.” Their vision of a Club that would “preserve traditional pro-life, pro-family Republican views1” began June 23, 1993 with Peggy Cox, President, along with Susan and Elvie who called themselves the “Amazons.”
At the 1994 Senate District 7 Convention, they handed out brochures while wearing hats and sequined vests. Over 400 people signed up to get information on a pro-life Club. “The excitement was unbelievable!” said Susan.
Peggy said the name resulted from “the group’s objection to the Clinton budget plan. 2” Carol Gaines, second President, managed the process of the Club’s joining the Texas Federation of Republican Women (TFRW) in 1996 with the invaluable assistance of the Daughters of Liberty Republican Women.

In July 1995 Elvie encouraged the Club to keep its “focus clearly on moral issues,” yet become “involved in every aspect of government. 3” This was followed in 1996 with a Club resolution that established polled principles for the Club, including the concepts of school choice, eminent domain issues, no-fault divorce and withdrawal from the United Nations.
Those early years were filled with parades, golf tournaments, style shows, fundraisers, starting Republican Women’s Clubs for African Americans and Hispanics, winning awards and running one of their own for office as well as participating at every level within the Republican Party. But TTPRW was also working actively with charitable organizations–such as Star of Hope Mission and pro-life groups.
They won many awards, including the #1 Phone Bank in Texas Award for most hours worked, having a total of 17,990 hours from 113 people; 23 people had over 200 hours each. Along with a membership explosion of over 400% in 1996, TTPRW raised $7,000 through a golf tournament. In 1997 they won the National Federation of Republican Women’s Highest Achievement Award. Under Lee Gayle Boettcher’s presidency, the Club co-sponsored an event with David Barton, which 400 people attended. They also won the TFRW Best Newsletter Award and the John Goodwin Tower Achievement Award.

In 1999 the Club founded the Susan Darbyshire-Elvie Kingston Scholarship to encourage young women to work toward conservative Republican ideals. Two outstanding fundraisers were held in 1999 (Chariots Racing Toward 2000 with Charlton Heston) and 2001 (The Unsinkable Debbie Reynolds) raising tens of thousands of dollars under the leadership of Presidents Elvie Kingston, Debbie Riddle and Kathleen Bush. A trip to Israel to educate the Club and an Israel Awareness Day to educate the community were sponsored in 2002. Through the years TTPRW gained an increasing political presence with the election of a number of its members, including Donna Ballard (SBOE), Terri Leo (SBOE), Debbie Riddle (State Representative), Bonnie Dadidakis (Spring School ISD), Kay Smith (HCDE), Emergency Service District boards and Precinct Chairs. 

Texas Tea activities in the Republican Party and TFRW continued, winning awards and attending conventions, including taking 20 members to the 2005 TFRW convention. John & Henrietta Haessly went to the 2005 Presidential Inauguration. Under Betty Anderson’s leadership, the Club held a two great fundraisers–one honoring Texas First Lady Anita Perry at the Downtown Aquarium. With Betty’s encouragement and the Executive Board’s approval, Gail Stanart wrote the Club’s vision statement: “To promote Judeo-Christian principles in government through political and charitable activities.”

President Elvie Kingston enthusiastically led the Club again in 2008 & 2009 when many of us participated in the first Taxed Enough Already Day that spawned the “Tea Parties,” followed by President Sharon Slover, who kept us closely connected to the State Legislature by also working as the District Director for State Representative Allen Fletcher.
Kay Smith organized a very successful fundraiser with speaker David Limbaugh and a live auction of fabulous fur coats in 2010. Today, under Kay’s leadership as President, Texas Tea Party Republican Women continues to fight for the same conservative social and fiscal issues as 20 years ago. The Club continues its vision for the community and the nation which includes engaging people in the restoration of the country to its Godly heritage and leading the Club members to ever more effective influence for Judeo-Christian principles.
1 Tea Times 10th Anniversary November 2003
2 1960 Sun Newspaper, 2/2/94
3 Tea Times July 1995
Past Presidents
- Peggy Cox
1993 & 1994
- Carol Gaines
1995 & 1996
- Lee Gayle Boettcher
1997 & 1998
- Elvie Kingston 1999 & 2000
- Debbie Riddle
2001 & 2002
- Kathleen Bush
2003 & 2004
- Betty Anderson
- Perky Savage
- Gail Stanart
- Elvie Kingston
2008 & 2009
- Sharon Slover
2010 & 2011
- Kay Smith
- Elvie Kingston
2014- 2020
- Sharon Hemphill
- Venita Odom
Past Speakers
- Debbie Reynolds – Singer, Actress
- Charlton Heston – Actor and Past President NRA
- David Limbaugh – Attorney, Podcaster and brother of Rush
- Dave Welch – Texas Pastor Council
- Dr. Steve Hotze – Conservative Republicans of Texas
- Dr. Rick Scarborough – Recover America and Recover America Action
- Christian Collins – Texas Youth Summit
- Melissa Conway – RNC-Texas Election Integrity State Director,
- Joanne King Herring – Ambassador to Pakistan Political Activist
- Professor Jeffrey Addicott – Director, Center for Terrorism Law, St. Mary’s University
- Christian Clawson – Development Director Refuge for Women Texas Gulf Coast
- Rick Scarborough – Vision America
- Catherine Englebrecht – True The Vote
- Cathie Adams – Eagle Forum
- Kelly Shackelford – First Liberty
- Terry Lowry – The Link Letter
- Jim Graham – Texas Right to Life
- Alan Vera – True The Vote
- Dr. Neil Frank – Meteorologist
- John Culberson – Congressman
- Ted Poe – Congressman
- Tom Delay – Congressman
- Michael McCaul – Congressman
- Kevin Brady – Congressman
- Rick Perry – Texas Governor
- Justice John Devine – Texas Supreme Court
- Dan Patrick – Lt. Governor of Texas
- Anita Perry – First Lady of Texas
- Greg Abbott – Attorney General
- Glenn Hegar – Texas Comptroller
- Jane Nelson – State Senator
- Sam Harless – State Representative
- Paul Bettencourt – Texas Senator
- Patricia Harless – State Representative
- Florence Shapiro – State Senator
- Allen Fletcher – State Representative
- Tom Oliverson – State Representative
- Steve Toth – State Representative
- Kevin Roberts – Texas State Representative
- Valoree Swanson – Texas State Representative
- Mike Schofield – Texas State Representative
- Lacy Hull – State Representative
- Officers Randall Jennings and Jeffrey Lee – Constable Mark Herman’s High Tech Crimes Unit
- Donna Ballard – State Board of Education
- Terri Leo – State Board of Education
- Barbara Cargill – State Board of Education
- Robert Eckels – Harris County Judge
- Jared Woodfill – Attorney and Past Harris County Republican Chairman
- Jack Cagle – Harris Co. Commissioner
- Paul Simpson – Harris County Republican Chairman
- Tom Oliverson – Texas State Representative