Vice President for Legislation, Alexie Swirsky’s January 2024 Report

Vice President for Legislation, Alexie Swirsky’s January 2024 Report

This is the January 2024 Legislative Report on the Harris County Commissioner’s Court by Alexis Swirsky presented at the Texas Tea Party Republican Women’s January Meeting.

I hope you can join me at 10 am on January 30th for the Harris County Commissioners Court hearing. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Items of interest:  Resolution 3, page 2 – resolution by Commissioner Ramsey making January 9 a Day of Recognition for law enforcement officers.

Resolutions 104, 105 on page 13 by Precinct 3 Constable Sherman Eagleton authorizing overtime pay for drug enforcement law enforcement.

Resolution 106 on page 13 – similar request by Precinct 5 Constable Ted Heap.

Resolution 282, page 36 – Request by Ramsey for action to prevent flooding in Harris County due to conditions in Colony Ridge.

Resolution 283, page 36 – request for discussion and possible action regarding the Harris County clerk having the residences to run the 2024 elections.