July Monthly Meeting RESCHEDULED – August 6, 2024

July Monthly Meeting RESCHEDULED – August 6, 2024

Come Join us for dinner and to hear “What’s Stewing” at our State Legislature with Representative Dr. Tom Oliverson. Our August meeting will be the FIRST (not second as usual) Tuesday of the month due to having to reschedule our July meeting. Please RSVP below.


Many of us watched in awe-filled expectancy as he defended his legislation last year to protect children! Tom’s bio is posted below. He is definitely “on top of” upcoming 2025 legislation—and he will want to hear from you as well!

We also want everyone to know that we would love to have you as a TTPRW member, associate, or young affiliate. Under “About Us,” you can print out a 2024 membership application or apply online. Women are invited to join as full members (or as associates if a full member of another TFRW-affiliated club), men as male associates, and youth as “young affiliates.”

A special note of appreciation is always in order for our group of male associates. They find many opportunities to lend a helping hand and to actively join in our “Battle for America.” Texas Tea Party Republican Women began in 1993 as a “protest group” in the spirit of the Boston Tea Party—this time fighting against abortion, for families, for Israel, and against high taxes!

Dr. Tom Oliverson represents Texas’ 130th State House District in northwest Harris County, including the communities of Tomball, Cypress, Waller, and Hockley. He is Chairman of the Committee on House Insurance, and serves on the Public Health and Health Care Reform committees. Additionally, Oliverson was selected to be the vice-chair of the House Republican Caucus.

His first session culminated with him being chosen by his Republican colleagues as “Best Freshman Legislator” of the 85th legislative session. In his second session, he was named by Texas Monthly as one of the “best legislators of the 86th session”. Oliverson has authored legislation on a diverse set of issues including healthcare, education, local government, religious freedToms, and the 2nd amendment.

In addition to his role as President of National Council Of Insurance Legislators, Oliverson is active with the National Association of Christian Lawmakers where he served as the chair of the National Legislative Council. Dr. Oliverson sTce of State Legislatures. In his professional career, Oliverson is a board-certified anesthesiologist and partner at US Anesthesia Partners, the largest anesthesia group in Texas.

Grace Handley

District Director

Tom Oliverson, M.D.

State Representative | House District 130

Capitol Phone: 512 463 0661

District Phone: 281 257 4984

Capitol Room: E2.408

“Take Back Our Border” Convoy – Member Shares Her Experience

“Take Back Our Border” Convoy – Member Shares Her Experience

Mary S. , of Houston, holds a sign at the Take Our Border Back Convoy rally at One Shot Distillery and Brewery in Dripping Springs on Thursday February 1, 2024.
Jay Janner / Austin American-Statesman

  “Ladies and Gentlemen! We’ve got ourselves a convoy!” Kris Kristofferson enthusiastically declares in the sappy but enjoyable 70s movie Convoy. It implies something exciting and unusual and wondrous. The recent Convoy movement that’s begun in America is all of that.

The People’s Convoy of 2022 started in California and picked up both 18-wheeler trucks and private passenger vehicles as it rolled across these United States towards our nation’s capitol to make a point against the never-ending forced lockdowns and experimental vaccine mandates. It  involved hundreds of big rigs and hundreds of passenger cars. It was a peaceful, patriotic and faith-filled demonstration of the TRUE Will of the American People against a government that no longer represents us. At the morning and evening meetings, prayers were a constant–and in between we prayed! For our nation, for our families, and for God-praising and freedom-loving people around the world.

This past January, another Convoy, this one originating on the East Coast, began its trek towards a previously little-known community in West Texas:  Eagle Pass, which has recently become world-famous as the epicenter of the battle against an invasion of illegal immigrants–a battle fought between a legal conservative State which rightfully seeks to protect its borders (and citizens) and an illegitimate centralized government that seeks to flood the country with unvetted unknown invaders.

The Take Back Our Border Convoy began in Virginia January 29, 2024, winding its way down the East Coast to Florida, then across the Gulf States to Louisiana, entering Texas near Houston, journeying to Dripping Springs near the state’s capital for a peaceful demonstration there, and on to a special place known as the Cornerstone Children’s Ranch in Quemado, Texas, 21 miles north of Eagle Pass. (Law enforcement discouraged us from going to the volatile Eagle Pass). Unlike the original People’s Convoy, the Border Convoy was composed almost completely of private passenger vehicles and RVs, accompanied by only a few big rigs.

I joined up with the Take Back Our Border Convoy in Houston. Being on a Convoy is the most amazing experience I’ve had. We travel through rural areas when possible, and the turn-out of citizens on the sides of the roads in the country is staggering. Small communities where it appears every citizen has shown up and waited for hours—even in bad weather.  It’s an explosion of red, white and blue as everyone seems to have an American flag to wave, but there are also signs and bright yellow Don’t Tread on Me flags, white Come and Take It flags, individual state flags (especially Texas!), and many others. Some communities gather on overpasses to cheer as we drive under. Some even get their community’s fire trucks on the overpasses with their long ladders reaching way up into the sky, a gigantic American flag looming large and fluttering protectively over our heads. I had to be careful at times because I was driving with wet eyes and a swelling love for the actual people of this beautiful country. I’ve seen big ole tough trucker men choke up at the love and hope these people are demonstrating, hope that we can help turn this country back into the free and righteous land it was intended to be. I heard one lady tell a macho trucker, “Thank you for what you’re doing. You give us hope.” In a voice struggling for control, he said, “No ma’am, I’m thanking you. People like you are giving me hope.” It was a beautiful moment and I’ve repeated his words to others who have thanked me.

The Border Convoy was warmly received by the residents of Dripping Springs. I had lost a lawn chair along the way. When I asked one lady for directions to a WalMart to replace it, instead of giving me directions, she brought me a new more expensive one, along with her husband to shake my hand! Love of God and hope for our nation filled every conversation.

While approximately one-third of the Convoy spent a delightful day in patriotic Dripping Springs, two-thirds split away to travel to Arizona, where the Convoy again divided into two segments, one of which continued its cross-country journey to California. On Saturday, February 3, all three locations in the border states of Texas, Arizona, and California had simultaneous rallies at which we, like our first President George Washington, dedicated our nation to being a God-inspired nation and ourselves to living God-inspired lives. 

That Thursday night, those of the Convoy who had remained in Dripping Springs had a rally at a quaint massive outdoor BBQ called One Shot Distillery and Brewery in Dripping Springs, Texas. Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent helicoptered in to the delight and booming cheering of a huge crowd of Convoy participants and local townspeople. Former Governor Palin delivered a passionate speech about the current state of our country and the necessity of common men and women raising their voices when a government becomes pitted against its people. Rocker Ted Nugent gave an equally passionate yet comedic speech imbued with his own brand of wacky, hilarious humor…plus performed his particular rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.

The next day we convoyed to Cornerstone Children’s Ranch in Quemado near Eagle Pass. Per the mission’s website: “Cornerstone Children’s Ranch was established in 1998 as a non-profit Christian ministry whose mission is to serve the children and parents of low-income, indigent families along both sides of the Texas-Mexico border.”


In the afternoon, around Castroville, I broke from the slow-moving Convoy to speed ahead and meet my husband in Quemado. I went through Uvalde alone, but the streets were lined with what appeared to be every man, woman and child who lives in Uvalde. The site of that horrific, heart-breaking school shooting two years ago, Uvalde had planned a Neil Diamond-like “Brother Love Show” town event: “ Pack up the babies and grab the old ladies and everyone goes.”

I had to drive through Uvalde with tears in my eyes. In this poor but patriotic community, there were no huge flags and firetrucks, but what there was was every niño and niña enthusiastically waving a small hand-held flag. Streets lined all the way through. Schools and day care centers had let out to attend the event and had given small American flags to the kids to wave. The residents must have thought I was a Convoy honcho, making an advance pass through Uvalde in my flag-festooned SUV, because they cheered, waved their flags and hands, and jumped around as if I were a Trump motorcade. It’s a good thing car horns don’t get hoarse because that’s the Convoy way of waving back. It felt rude not to honk constantly. A one-woman parade!

I must confess, I drove my way through Uvalde with a lump in my throat and a swelling heart, overwhelmed by the grief these people have experienced, combined with the bond I was sensing with the freedom-loving people everywhere in America, regardless of location and the poisonous division the enemy has encouraged. America is still that shining city promising hope and freedom. I prayed for peace and comfort for the stricken families of that community that Evil visited that awful day in May 2022. I marveled that these people still have such love for this country and how earnestly they want the protection all US citizens have had sworn to them by oath by all our government officials. So many of our politicians have violated their sacred oaths and primary duties.

The Convoy communicates on a walkie-talkie app, which I was listening to as I drove ahead of them. When the Convoy behind me was approaching Uvalde, a member came on the app and led us in prayer for healing for the citizens of that community as we drove through. Others voiced more prayers and hushed respectful comments in emotional voices.

The story was the same in the other small, poor communities we drove through as we approached Quemado: it seemed every citizen–even smiling afghan-wrapped grannies in wheelchairs–came out in the cold rainy weather in full force to cheer us as we traveled. The Propaganda Press was saying they hate us and want us off their land. Another complete lie.

I  hit the hail storm on a lonely deserted road skimming the infamous border…alone…as night approached. My windshield looked like my car was underwater in a lake. I had to edge off the road blind, completely unable to see if I was driving off a cliff, into a culvert, or what. But I was safe. Lightning flashing and thunder crashing. Water rising rapidly. Wondering about tornadoes. The hail sounded like demons were hammering on the roof of my car. I thought “golf ball size.” When the rain slowed, I saw it was only pea-size. Then I worried about flash flooding or getting stuck in the mud so I got back on the highway a little before I was really ready. But I made it ok. Whew!

While I was pulled over alone on that deserted highway, being pummeled by hail and rain, watching the constant lightning snake through the sky, it was a scene from Hell.  The thought came to me that the Devil was throwing everything he had at the Convoy to stop us. I texted some friends, and we were praying together via text during those frightening minutes. I was not alone. I felt God and my friends’ love in my car with me. We prayed for the Convoy behind me next, and they too were all unscathed, which, given the huge number of vehicles traveling together, I know was a miracle.

In the late afternoon the Convoy arrived at the Children’s Ranch in Quemado (which means “scorched“ in Spanish). The country road leading to the Ranch entrance was lined with citizens cheering and waving flags. The Propaganda Press was also there, spouting shouted hatred over megaphones and creating sound bites for itself. Chillingly, we saw a man taking photos of our license tags and faces as we crept towards the entrance. We knew who he was and what he was doing, but Convoy participants believe the time has come for good people to stop doing nothing and allowing Evil to triumph. The time has come for good men and women to start publicly calling it out and fighting it with Goodness. 

Both nights we were at the Ranch, we had programs with powerful speakers, pastors and laypeople. And the music. Oh, the music! The spiritual music was compelling and uplifting. Truly amazing to hear such passionate powerful voices making such beautiful music in the barren burnt-grass wasteland of Scorched,Texas. Even in such a hot place, I had chills. It was like Woodstock without the drugs, alcohol and sex! Two Days of Peace, Love and Christian Rock ‘n Roll.

☮️ ❤️ ✝️ 🎶

It was truly a spiritual, peaceful and prayerful exercise of our 1st Amendment rights, but the Propaganda Press lied six ways to Sunday about our purpose and our character. We were called racists, trailer park trash and fake Christians. The opposite was the truth.I met fascinating righteous people from everywhere. Many were poor blue collar but many were retired with fancy RVs. I was particularly taken with ones from Canada, Minnesota and North Dakota. Freedom-loving people from everywhere. We are finally uniting and saying Evil will not triumph on our watch.

The food was excellent and free—provided by whom I don’t know—but we could donate, which we did generously in support of the Ranch. The Convoy participants separately found their own ways home from Quemado, to spread messages of hope, love and courage to the different corners of this battle-torn country and world.

— Mary Shea

Legislative Report / Commissioner Court June 25

The Harris County Commissioners Court hearing is at 10 am on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at the Harris County Administration Building at 1001 Preston, First Floor, on the north side of downtown Houston. Please join Alexie Swirsky there to support our only Republican Harris County Commissioner, Tom Ramsey.  Parking is available across the street for $15.

If you would like to speak on an agenda item (see https://agenda.harriscountytx.gov/), sign up online the night before and be at the court by 9:30 am)

Harris County Commissioners Court June 25, 2024 – Items of Concern 

Ítem 18
Request for discussion and possible action regarding Harris County jail population, staffing, conditions, and other issues.

Item 210
Request by the Commissioner of Precinct 2 for approval to accept from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality grant funds in the amount of $2,136,382.00, with no required match, for the Texas Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Program (Tx VEMP) – Bus.

Item 211
Request by the Commissioner of Precinct 2 for approval to accept from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality grant funds in the amount of $1,717,115.00, with no required match, for the Texas Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Program (Tx VEMP) – Freight.

Item 253
Request for approval of a Public Health or Safety Exemption renewal option with CoreCivic, Inc. for outsourcing of Harris County Jail inmates to the Tallahatchie Correctional Facility for the period of December 1, 2024 – November 30, 2025, at a cost of $11,358,750.

Item 256
Request that the County Judge execute a settlement agreement with DEMA
Consulting & Management Texas LLC in the amount of $860,354.90 for Holistic Assistance Response Team services provided from June 6, 2023 to April 9, 2024. This program treats some Law enforcement incidents as mental Health issues.

Item 322
Request for approval to renew the Memorandum of Understanding with the Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) to enable Harris County Commissioner Precinct 1 to certify funds which will be matched by federal match funds in partnership with the Texas Workforce Commission through the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) for the provision of allowable childcare services or activities in the Gulf Coast Workforce Board area.

Dutch Lunch – Thursday, June 27, 2024

Dutch Lunch – Thursday, June 27, 2024

Join us for Fun and Frivolity Thursday, June 27, 2024 as we discuss how to make a difference in the government that is meant to serve We The People! We meet at Spring Creek Barbeque for lunch 11:30 am to 1:30 pm – 21746 Hwy 249 (Tomball Highway)

Monthly Meeting – June 11, 2024

Monthly Meeting – June 11, 2024

Come hear our SREC Committee Members, Rolando Garcia and newly elected Brenda Estis, report on the State Republican Convention held on May 23-25 in San Antonio. Meet our newly elected Vice Chair of the Republican Party of the Great State of TEXAS,  D’Rinda Randall.

Also, don’t forget to vote in the  HCAD runoff election for Republican candidates Kyle Scott and Pastor Ericka McCrutcheon. Early Voting is June 3-11 and Election Day is Saturday, June 15. Go to HarrisVotes.com for polling locations and your sample ballot.

Monthly Meeting – May 14, 2024

Monthly Meeting – May 14, 2024

This month we welcome Kit Whitehill as our guest speaker. She is running for National Committee Woman. Kit is immediate past president of TFRW. View Bio

The election of National Committee Woman will be held at the Republican Convention in San Antonio May 23-25. (https://convention.texasgop.org/) .

Legislative Report / Commissioner’s Court May 7

The next Harris County Commissioners Court hearing is at 10 am on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at the Harris County Administration Building at 1001 Preston, Suite 934, on the north side of downtown Houston. Please join Alexie Swirsky there to support our only Republican Harris County Commissioner, Tom Ramsey.

If you would like to speak on an agenda item (see https://agenda.harriscountytx.gov/), sign up online the night before and be at the court by 9:30 am)


Alexie and Theresa Thomas attended the HCCC hearing  on 3/26/24. Concerning issues are:

     1) Commissioners want to put constables under the sheriff’s dept.,

     2) Commissioners want to hire law firms to revisit the O’Donnell decision,

     3). Commissioners want to install the universal income program.  https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/attorney-general-ken-paxton-sues-harris-county-over-illegal-guaranteed-income-welfare-scheme   

Uniform and Special Election Saturday May 4, 2024  For a sample ballot see https://www.harrisvotes.com/Voter/Whats-on-my-Ballot.

      For vote centers see https://www.harrisvotes.com/Vote-Centers. 

     HCAD election for SD 15.  No R candidates for SD 15

There is also an election of board members to ESD 11  (Emergency Services District 11) at the fire station on Champion Forest Dr just south of 1960. They are running their own election. Download polling locations here: https://harriscountyesd11.gov/election/ 


The Primary runoff  is Tuesday May 28. Early voting starts Monday May 20


VDVR training is coming up in May – no date set yet


State Republican Convention is in  San Antonio – May 23-25.  https://convention.texasgop.org/ 

Legislative Report / Commissioner’s Court April 23

 The next Harris County Commissioners Court hearing is at 10 am on Tuesday, April 23 at the Harris County Administration Building at 1001 Preston, Suite 934, on the north side of downtown Houston. Please join Alexie Swirsky there to support our only Republican Harris County Commissioner, Tom Ramsey.

If you would like to speak on an agenda item (see https://agenda.harriscountytx.gov/), sign up online the night before and be at the court by 9:30 am)

Theresa spoke with Landon Reed who said we may be able to get a district van to take people in NW Houston to HCCC.


Alexie and Theresa Thomas attended the HCCC hearing  on 3/26/24. Concerning issues are:

     1) Commissioners want to put constables under the sheriff’s dept.,

     2) Commissioners want to hire law firms to revisit the O’Donnell decision,

     3). Commissioners want to install the universal income program.  https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/attorney-general-ken-paxton-sues-harris-county-over-illegal-guaranteed-income-welfare-scheme   

Uniform and Special Election Saturday May 4:  Early voting starts April 22

      For a sample ballot see https://www.harrisvotes.com/Voter/Whats-on-my-Ballot.

      For vote centers see https://www.harrisvotes.com/Vote-Centers. 

     HCAD election for SD 15.  No R candidates for SD 15

     There is also an election of board members to ESD 11  (Emergency Services District 11) at the fire station on Champion Forest Dr just south of 1960. They are running their own election. Download polling locations here: https://harriscountyesd11.gov/election/ 


The Primary runoff  is Tuesday May 28. Early voting starts Monday May 20


The Lincoln Reagan Dinner is April 26th where Alexie Swirsky will be presented the Patriot Award. https://secure.anedot.com/harris-county-republican-party/2024lrd 


VDVR training is coming up in May – no date set yet


State Republican Convention is in  San Antonio – May 23-25.  https://convention.texasgop.org/ 






















Legislative Report / Commissioner’s Court April 23

Dutch Lunch: Friday April 19

Ladies,  join us for lunch and all sorts of fun and frivolity as we get to know each other at Spring Creek BBQ on Hyw 249 and Louetta at 11:30 am.

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